Monday, September 12, 2016

Handwriting on the Walls: Fairfield City Schools Caught in Yet Another Lie in the Emilie Olsen Case

The handwriting was on the walls for Fairfield City Schools in the Emilie Olsen case in the days and hours before and after her death on December 11, 2014.  Literally.

We'll prove that.  We'll also prove yet again that Fairfield City Schools LIED in it's official federal court filing response to the Emilie Olsen case.

When will Fairfield finally just start to tell the truth?  Or hire better liars.  It really is sad and pathetic that Fairfield is incapable of being honest.  And when one considers that the evidence we used to catch the district in yet another lie about Emilie's case is widely available in public records, it is puzzling Fairfield would even be dishonest anyway.  What is it with these people?

In the federal lawsuit filed against Fairfield City Schools, it's employees privately, and several students, it was alleged that graffiti existed in the middle school that was derogatory and possibly racist towards Emilie Olsen .  We have published an image of this allegation in the Olsen lawsuit below.

This allegation by the Olsen family regarding hateful graffiti on the walls of Fairfield Middle School was denied in the district's official response filed in federal court early this year.  You can read more about that here.  In fact, every allegation - literally every last one in the 100+ page filing by the Olsens - was denied by Fairfield City Schools.

In April 2016, our group submitted a records request to Fairfield City Schools to try to get to the bottom of these graffiti allegations involving Emilie.  Our reasoning was that if the graffiti did exist, then a paper trail of maintenance requests might have led to it's removal.  We were told by the district that no such records existed, and have posted that e-mail exchange below.

Like everything else involving Fairfield City Schools when it comes to Emilie Olsen, the district is lying again.  Plain and simple, they're LIARS.  We'll prove it.

Check out this e-mail from the day after Emilie Olsen died, between her science teacher and Fairfield Middle School Assistant Principal Mark Rice (For more on Mr. Rice's dirty hands in Emilie's case, please click here).  As you can clearly see, this December 12, 2014 e-mail, sent at 11:46 AM that morning, clearly indicates that graffiti about Emilie Olsen did decorate the bathroom walls at FMS.

So, we have proof that administration at Fairfield City Schools was notified that yes, indeed there was graffiti about Emilie Olsen in FMS around the time of her death.  Kind of makes Fairfield's denials about the graffiti in their response to the Olsen lawsuit look like a sickening and ridiculous pack of lies, doesn't it?  That's because it is.

What did Mark Rice do with this information in the e-mail above?  We don't know.

We have his e-mails and those of other administrators and the Superintendent, and can verify that this note from Emilie's science teacher was never forwarded to anyone by Mr. Rice.  Nor is any mention of graffiti mentioned in the Fairfield Township Police Report.

Why, Mark Rice?  What did you do with the information given to you in that e-mail?

Fairfield City Schools' lies go deeper than that however.  Not only do records exist in the form of e-mails proving that the the district was made aware of the racist, bullying graffiti about Emilie Olsen at Fairfield Middle School, but we have reason to believe the district has actual images of the writings themselves.

Check out these e-mails sent by an unknown party to Fairfield Middle School Principal Lincoln Butts on December 17, 2014.  The images depicted in the boys and girls restrooms at FMS are redacted because they contain student names.  Note the last of the images contains the date Emilie died, "12-11-14."  We'll give you three guesses to figure out the student name redacted in these pictures.

Notice in this e-mail also sent on December 17, 2014, that some kind of unknown graffiti also existed in Cafeteria C.  That's the cafeteria Emilie ate in.  That's the cafeteria where the October 21st, 2014 bullying incident we have spoken about before unfolded.  One guess as to whose name is under this redaction:

We're no attorneys or legal experts by any means.  But it seems like in the civil case filed against them by Emilie Olsen's estate, Fairfield City Schools has been caught in yet another whopper of a lie.

What did Mr.Butts do with the information in these e-mails?  Again, we can find no e-mail evidence these images were ever forwarded to his superiors or police.  Why?  What was done?

These documents that prove the existence of the graffiti about Emilie, and establishes that proof of the same was in Fairfield's possession from just hours after she died.   The first e-mail to an FMS administrator was sent the morning after Emilie died.

Judging from the official police report into the incident, it appears Fairfield employees never bothered to inform law enforcement about the graffiti regarding Emilie that the school knew existed.  If that isn't obstruction of justice, then it ought to be.  It should be illegal in some from or fashion what employees at Fairfield City Schools have done here.

And frankly, how dumb does one have to be to deny in federal court the existence of graffiti that is openly documented in public records available to anyone who bothers to request them and look for it?  If some irrelevant internet watchdog activist group was able to piece all this together, Fairfield, what is a real lawyer, or even state and federal investigators going to do?  We wouldn't want to be in the legal position of Fairfield City Schools right about now.

Fairfield lied and Emilie died.  The handwriting is on the walls as to Fairfield's guilt.


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