Absurd defenses of Fairfield's conduct in Emilie's case has ranged from accusing that poor dead girl of all sorts personal failings, to chalking up the whole incident and excusing it as a wider societal problem. Our group has debunked all of these ridiculous and often hurtful arguments dreamt up by district supporters. In fact, nothing Fairfield City Schools has ever said about Emilie or her story is nearly as malicious or ridiculous as some of the fanciful explanations and excuses we have heard from district supporters. The unquestioning supporters of Fairfield are ten times worse and more unreasonable than anyone our group has ever dealt with that was actually employed by the school system.
One of the latest talking points thrown against the wall by district supporters is that things have changed in Fairfield City Schools. The small number of people involved in Emilie's story are gone from the district. We have a new superintendent. All the mistakes of the past are in the past. A new day has dawned, we've been told. The people in charge now have fresh eyes and will handle bullying appropriately. Or so district supporters say.
As you probably may know, the WCPO I-Team recently filed a story where it was reported two more Fairfield Middle School students had committed suicide within 3 months of each other in early 2017. That makes 3 student suicides at Fairfield City Schools in 32 months. You can see the video here:
Our group says it is a problem when the community buries three young people in less than 3 years because of bullying. District supporters say that our group is the real problem. You're free to make up your own mind, of course.
The loss of Logan and Lily - on top of what happened to Emilie - are the ultimate tragedy. Suicides related to bullying at Fairfield are still rare events; albeit less rare in our district than for any other of comparable size.
The routine bullying incidents witnessed in daily life are still being mishandled by Fairfield City Schools. Or at least they were as of 18 months ago in the scenario we're about to relay to you. What's revealed in the district emails below is important because it is the daily grind of bullying, like in the story we're about to relay, that eventually have the cumulative effect of pushing a troubled young person over the line to suicide.
Nobody gives up hope and steps off the edge into tragic oblivion because they were made fun of one time. Bullying and harassment that endures over weeks, months, and years in a steady stream of insults, taunts, and terror can conspire with other factors to induce young people to take their own lives.
The story we're about to share is significant too because the district employees playing prominent roles in this incident are still employed by Fairfield City Schools. This story debunks the talking point of district supporters that the so-called handful of staff who don't address harassment properly are long gone and in the distant past. No they aren't. Nor is district mishandling and basic lack of customer service a memory either.
On a positive note, we are very glad to see in the pages below that Superintendent Billy Smith acted quickly, decisively, and properly when notified by parents of the problem. He saved this encounter. Single handedly. We had a seemingly good ending here thanks solely to him.
We still disagree with the process that installed Mr. Smith as Superintendent. But we say unequivocally that if there had been more pro-active, decisive administrators like Mr. Smith in Emilie's story, then perhaps none of us would be here right now having these types of discussions. And maybe Emilie would be.
Check out the two notes below sent to Fairfield High School assistant administrators in January/February 2016. It features a fed up, frustrated parent asking for his or her daughter to have a locker re-assignment away from a male student who is engaging in harassment, both online and in person. As you can read, the followup and cooperation by these assistant administrators was basically non-existent. (Hasn't that been the whole problem since 2014?)
Following a week of no action or response, the fed up parent finally e-mailed then-FHS Principal Billy Smith:
Mr. Smith, much to his credit, then swung into action. And despite a few more hiccups because of his assistants, had the problem on its way to eventually being resolved within an hour. It's amazing what a little leadership can accomplish.
But why did it have to come down to a parent concluding Fairfield really does have a bullying problem, and threatening to go to the Board and the media for something to be done? Why didn't assistant administrators follow the district's harassment policy, and send this issue up the chain of command as the protocol demands? Why wasn't the bullying and harassment form offered to the parents by the assistant administrators?
For a district that not only says it doesn't have a bullying problem because it's staff always follow the policies and procedures on harassment, the events we've detailed here don't leave us with a warm and fuzzy feeling. What if the parent had simply thrown their hands up in despair and not pursued this situation to the doorstep of the media? What if a responsible administrator like Mr. Smith hadn't been there to make sure things got done correctly? Would we be talking about now a 4th tragedy in three years?
Fairfield City Schools has a long way to go to restore public confidence when it comes to how they address bullying. These e-mails show there is still a lot of work to do. The documents also show that there are responsible, able, competent leaders in the district who will ensure the right thing is done to help the kids.
Maybe this incident is the signal of a beginning. Rest assured that's all it is: a beginning.